Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Otse Post Office

My post office is a quaint place. It is a place that doesn’t have a scale to weigh packages. Sometimes they run out of the stamps for the basic rate and then just simply want to sell me stamps for the next higher rate, because it might take weeks before they get the other ones again . It can also be a busy place.  This is where people collect their monthly retirement checks and other types of government assistance they might qualify for.  Certain times of the month you just don’t want to have to go there.  On the other hand, if I do, I am allowed to cut in front of all the people where are going to spend hours there waiting for their money anyway, and therefore don’t seem to mind if I cut.
The two women who work there are pretty relaxed about things.  I make a point to be nice to them because they are the keepers of any packages I might receive and I would hate for something to make it all the way to Otse and then get lost.  They would prefer I open every package then and there so they can see what I get and ask me to give it to them.  So I feign being in a hurry whenever possible.  I probably already told you about them wanting to try real coffee and that I finally did take it for them to try and they thought it was way too strong.  Well, duh.  That’s how we like it in America. I can’t believe I used to drink 3 or 4 cups of decently strong coffee a day at home.  Now if I have more than one I get the jitters.
This is the security sign above the door outside the building:
For security reasons, the safe on this premises cannot be opened without a delay, which will vary at each opening.  If necessary to wait, please be patient. Outside working hours the safe cannot be opened, even with the keys.
I have to wonder who this sign is directed to.  Is it the staff who open the safe, who surely must know this, or the thieves, who surely don’t need to be given these courteous tips.  It’s a bit odd, but so be it.
I have another package to pick up this week (thank you to whomever sent it!!!) so I will need to be in a hurry. I have a feeling it has chocolate in it.......

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