Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Kaitlyn

Yesterday was my niece Kaitlyn’s birthday. She turned 12. I received an early morning text from her today (while it was still her birthday there) saying she read some of my blog and it was too long and that I should mention her but in a SHORT blog story.  Yeah, some of them are too long, but this one won’t be. 
Kaitlyn, I am so jealous of the gift you are going to receive from me soon. If you don’t like it, you can give it back to me when you see me again. If I had it here, people would be so jealous of me. I hope you had a great birthday. I know it wasn’t nearly as great as it would have been if I were there with you and I will make it up to you on future birthdays. Although the present I send really makes up for my not being there. And again, if you don’t think so, you can give it back to me when you see me again.
Well…since this is supposed to be short….oh…I have given my cat Sisi a new Setswana name “Shesophatso.”  It isn’t really Setswana, just sounds like it. But she is so fat now so….
I just ate a mango from my mango tree. It was delicious.  I have only eaten two so far, most of them have gone to the owner of the home and the neighborhood kids.  I have been giving them away, but finally took the last 10 or so big ones and brought them in the house to share with people as I wish. Good thing too, because yesterday a gang of young boys, who have never talked to me at all, were in the garden heading for the tree with the last of the smaller type mangos on it.  When I came out, they scattered, but hung out just outside my gate waiting for me to leave.
I had a friend of mine tell them that if they went into my garden now while I was gone and took my remaining mangos, they could kiss coming to the party on the 4th goodbye.  Well, not in those exact words and I don’t know whether she really even told them or not. The fact is, I am not going to turn them away because I won’t recognize them anyway, and that would be unkind, but still, they hit my “Irritated” button. I have not refused giving a mango to anyone who asks nicely, since really, they aren’t “my” mangos. These boys just needed to ask me. Hmph. If I were at home I would now fear they would tp my house some night.  No such fears. TP doesn’t get wasted like that around here.
Okay. There you have it. A (relatively) short post. For one of my short relatives.

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