Finished another week of closures and goodbyes. Have been having fun training my replacement but it has been hectic and i hope she is getting what she needed. there are so many things i apparently have in my head that i think about and others don't. so our last two days together i will try to only tell her things no one else can. that should be an interesting exercise!
My agency put on a perfectly beautiful, tasteful and heartfelt good bye party for me Wednesday afternoon. I can't believe how stressed out i was about it before hand - worried i wouldn't be able to speak full and complete sentences due to the loud sobbing i would be doing. I did some crying and alot of laughing and they made me feel very loved and special. I had a friend video tape the party and all the speeches so I can give my mom and dad each a copy, since they couldn't come. Felt a bit like being at my own funeral. I mean, i have been to funerals where people say the kind of nice things these folks said to me. But i was there! kind of wierd but at least i won't die wondering what people think of me. Except those people who didn't come, or came but didn't say anything...hmmmm wonder what they are thinking? Nah.
I go back and forth on my packing list - everytime some one posts a new list of things they are glad they took to Botswana. i won't start packing until my job is done and i have rented the house! but it doesn't stop me from buying things i think i need. My mom will be busy sending me packages over the next few months to be sure!
A very nice couple - Curtis and Beth - came over today to meet my grey cat Scully. They all fell in love with eachother and I think their home, with no other cats to distract them from catering to her every whim, will be a perfect place. they were ready to take her today, but i wasn't ready to let her go. Also met with Kathleen this week to discuss how diabetic George Burns, Jr. will fit into her housing situation. Sounds like a go so that leave Marco and Princess to stay here with my neighbor AND now I ONLY have to find good renters for the home who don't mind these two kitties knocking on the door from time to time saying - "heh, this is MY house and that may be YOUR bed, but i used to have one just like it right in that same spot, so get outta my way" Or maybe Marco will be mostly saying "give me treats." hard to know.
Next hurdle is finishing all the work i wanted to do in the next 3 days. Then i get to take a 5 day vacation before it's peddle to the metal to get the kitchen remodeled, the house ready, a renter found and my stuff and me packed and put in our respective places. one day at a time, one hurdle at a time. The real hurdle is finding a good renter, so if anyone is out there who knows someone in Humboldt who would be good to my nice home, send them my way!
Plans for my Botswana Bound party on March 4th with Trifecta playing rock and roll are going well and I hope to see lots of folks without the speeches....
I think when i get on the plane i will either have a nervous breakdown or whoop for joy. the person sitting next to me of course won't be able to immediately discern the difference, but hopefully I will. and i am pulling for the joy side of things.
We have a HUGE mac and cheese contingent in the Bots 10 group so things can't go too askew and we are going to be an awesome, dancing, tone deaf but still singing loudly kind of group, i can just tell. Can't wait to meet them all!
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